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Funnel Builder Secrets Review (2023)

It can be difficult to build a high-converting sales funnel as it involves several steps. That’s why many marketers have opted for using funnel builders to automate the entire process and maximize their efforts to create as many effective sales funnels as possible. This Funnel Builder Secrets Review will look at a complete beginner-friendly course that covers everything you need to know about building a highly converting sales funnel from scratch.

What is A Funnel Builder?

According to Marketo, 96% of visitors to your website are not ready to buy anything immediately. They first need to know about the product or service you’re offering. And if they are interested in it, they verify that your product can produce the results they want (this could be solving a particular problem they have), then purchase.

With an existing customer, however, the probability of purchasing your product is 3-5x higher than fresh visitors if you use a good sales funnel.

These are why the use of sales funnels for markings has skyrocketed in the past 2-3 years.

Think about it. Last time you purchased something online, when was that? Let’s say an online course teaches you how to cook Italian dishes. You did not buy the first course on the website you clicked on. 

Instead, you researched the best course that can teach you how to cook Italian dishes. This is called the Awareness Stage of a sales funnel. After finding one you thought you liked (Interest Stage), you still weren’t sure if it was the right one for you, so you looked at the reviews on it. 

You read about other people’s experiences after purchasing the course and discover that many people who bought the course can now cook delicious Italian foods. And so, you decided to make a purchase finally. This is called the Action Stage.

A funnel builder helps you complete this entire process in a very short time.

 What Is The Funnel Builder Secrets Review?

It is an online course and training program by Russell Brunson, the founder of ClickFunnels and marketer who has helped thousands of people make millions of dollars online using sales funnels.

It is intensive training for entrepreneurs, marketers, funnel hackers, and builders. This beginner-friendly course breaks down all the components of a highly successful sales funnel and how to create one from scratch. It also talks about why a significant percentage of sales funnels are ineffective and how to avoid the mistakes that could lead to similar non-effective funnels.

When you buy the course, you get free access to ClickFunnels for 6-12 months, an unlimited funnel bonus, and many more.

The course also teaches you how to make the most of the ClickFunnels product.


There are two primary plans.

  1. The 6-month Package; and
  2. The 12-month Package.

The 6-month package is $1997, about $332.83 per month, while the 12-month package is priced at $2,997 ($249.75 per month).

The main difference between these two packages is access to ClickFunnels. The 6-month package gives you access to ClickFunnels for 6s months, and the second one is for 12 months.

 What Is Inside in training program?

There are ten modules in the course.

  • Funnel Hacker Cookbook
  • Creating Your Offer
  • Pick Your Funnel Strategy
  • Copywriting
  • Power Editor Basics
  • Funnel Design
  • Mobile-Friendly Designs
  • Integrations
  • Launching Your Funnels
  • Intro to Traffic Secrets Membership


Free Access To 6-12 Of ClickFunnels

ClickFunnels is currently the most popular sales funnel in the industry, and a subscription to it does not come cheap.

Russell Brunson offers the customers of the Funnel Secrets Builder access to 6 or 12 months of his product, depending on the plan they choose.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

$1997 is money, I agree. However, if purchasing this Course doesn’t meet your expectations, you can always ask for a refund and get your full money within 30 days.

Unlimited Funnels Bonus

The Standard ClickFunnels subscription of $97/month permits you to build up to 20 sales funnels per month.

However, the Funnel Builder Secrets has a bonus that allows you to create as many funnels as you want.

Free Access To Funnel Scripts For 12 Months

Funnel Scripts is software that helps you automate all your copywriting needs for your sales funnels.

Private Training From Russell Brunson Himself

Russell Brunson is known for creating highly-converting sales funnels. He has also successfully taught thousands of entrepreneurs and marketers to develop million-dollar sales funnels.

This course offers training from the marketing guru himself and other successful sales funnel builders like Julie Stoian. He does not assure a 100% success rate, but the probability of failure is very low and depends on willingness, hard work, and commitment on your end.

Beginner-Friendly Video Pieces Of Training And Resources

It comes with numerous resources that are created in a way that is easy to understand; even beginners will have no problem understanding the lessons.

Traffic Secrets Membership: 

This membership gives you access to PDF files and digital video lessons that will teach you how to provide more value to your customers and automate driving traffic to your blog and sales funnel.



The first disadvantage is the cost of the training program. Not everybody has $ to spare.

However, since there is proof that the course has helped many people build successful businesses, anyone serious about using sales funnels to grow their brand should consider investing in this course.

Time-Constricted And Overwhelming At First:

 Which might make some people give up without even trying it out.

What Is The Best Sales Funnel Builder Of 2023?

Click Funnel is the most popular. It is used by 55% of marketers in the funnel industry, and therefore, it is considered the best funnel Builder.

Other funnel builders include Katra, Get Response, LeadPages, Builderall, OptimizePress, CartFlows, etc.


Over the years, Russell Brunson has proven to be a trustworthy marketer. Most of his products and courses, including ClickFunnels, have helped thousands of people make millions by helping them build successful businesses.

The price of the Funnel Builder Secrets via its most significant disadvantage.

However, if you want to build your business with as little difficulty as possible, then the best way is to learn tips and tricks from the experts.

If you have the money, then there’s no harm in trying out the course.

Even if you decide that you don’t like the course, you can ask for a refund as there’s a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Read our next article ” FunnelFlix Review 2023

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